If you read my blog about renderings, you've heard me lecture on the importance of granularity. When coding our solutions, we often implement complex processes, sequential processes. Sitecore gives us a great tool for making these processes granular and extensible with pipelines.
A pipeline is a framework for defining a process in a series of steps that are handled by individual processors. Developers implement the steps in code following a specified pattern, and define the ordering of these steps in a config file. The pipeline execution engine manages this functionality and exposes a number of supporting methods and properties.
Sitecore exposes many of its internal processes via pipelines, allowing us to do all kinds of magic by adding and modifying processors. Lots of cool enhancements to Sitecore have been shared around the community that leverage these open pipelines.Why don't we open our solutions up to future developers (and our future selves) by using this same technique?
Just like Sitecore has done with many of its processes, we can take our solution's processes, break them down into a series of steps, and implement them with a pipeline. This will allow us to extend or modify the process later (perhaps even using classes in a different assembly) through configuration. This makes our solutions more transparent and more flexible. It leaves an open architecture that allows future developers to change the behavior of the process without changing the original code.
The example code in this article is taken from the MetaTag Manager Module available from the Sitecore Marketplace
The solution I'll use as an example is designed to manage Meta Tag Manager open source module. There are a number of "common" circumstances that influence the insertion of meta tags in that module: managed content items, logic for specialty tags, and a context object that code can use to insert meta tags. These each require their own set of code to manage. Knowing this, and knowing that in the future I might want to implement additional meta tag logic in the future, I used a pipeline to manage this task.When to Use a Pipeline
Pipelines are a useful tools when you are creating sequential processes that represent significant functionality in your application. This might be something like a data consumer that periodically imports data (via a scheduled task) from an external system, or a process for generating markup as part of your page construction (as in the example pipeline in this article), or a process associated with application start-up, publishing, or any other part of your solution.
Sitecore uses pipelines for most of the processes needed to render every page; this tells me that they should be reasonably efficient. Custom pipelines are most useful for complex processes that may need to be extended or modified later, with the convenience if not having to modify the original code.
Anatomy of a Pipeline
The Sitecore pipeline architecture exists to allow you to define a series of steps in a config file that, when executed in order, implement a process within the solution. The pipeline can be invoked from anywhere in your code where you might otherwise call one or more methods to achieve the same purpose.
The pieces of a pipeline are...
- The pipeline definition. This is declared in a config file.
- One or more pipeline processors. These represent the steps that could be used in the pipeline, and are implemented in code.
- (Optional) A PipelineArgs class, which is implemented in code and is used to allow the steps in the pipeline pass data down the line.
- The Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline namespace, which contains all of the API needed to develop and invoke pipelines and pipeline processors.
In a pipeline, each step is defined using a class signature in the config file. The when the pipeline is run, Sitecore uses reflection to instantiate n instance of each processor class, and calls the Process method of that class.
Pipeline Args
It is usually helpful to be able to maintain some context during the execution of the pipeline, so that processors can pass data to each other. Sitecore instantiates a PipelineArgs class (or a custom class that inherits from PipelineArgs) when a pipeline is run. This instance is passed to each processor's Process method, allowing each step access to the PipelineArgs.
This PipelineArgs class exposes some useful methods to each processor. One important one is the AbortPipeline method. If a processor step detects that the pipeline should be terminated without calling the subsequent steps, it can call this method.
The PipelineArgs class also contains a SafeDictionary property called CustomData. Pipeline processors can add objects to this dictionary in order to pass information down the line as subsequent processors are invoked.
Rather than use the CustomData dictionary, I prefer to create a custom "args" class that inherits from Sitecore's PipelineArgs. I can then define properties that do not require casting to be used by pipeline steps. This is also a convenient place to put convenience or utility methods for the processor steps.
namespace Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags { public class InjectMetaTagsPipelineArgs : PipelineArgs { public List<MetaTagItem> MetaTags; public InjectMetaTagsPipelineArgs() { this.MetaTags = new List<MetaTagItem>(); } } }
When using a custom PipelineArgs class, it is a good idea to create an Interface that our pipeline processors will implement. This ensures that each step is casting the args class properly.
namespace Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.Pipelines { public interface IInjectMetaTagsPipelineProcessor { void Process(InjectMetaTagsPipelineArgs args); } }
Pipeline Processors
The steps in your pipeline are implemented with pipeline processors, representing the steps in the process that the pipeline implements. Each is implemented with a class that implements a Process method, which accepts a PipelineArgs argument. The pipeline runner instantiates these classes in turn, and calls the Process method, passing in the PipelineArgs object.
This is where you implement the logic for that step of the process. The processor may read from and.or write to the PipelineArgs object. It can abort the remainder of the pipeline with the AbortPipeline method.
For example, this processor runs early in the pipeline to make sure there is a context item, and aborts the pipeline if necessary:
namespace Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.Pipelines.InjectMetaTags { public class CheckContextItem : IInjectMetaTagsPipelineProcessor { public void Process(InjectMetaTagsPipelineArgs args) { if (Sitecore.Context.Item == null) { Tracer.Warning(string.Concat("Not injecting meta tags; no context item")); args.AbortPipeline(); } } } }
This processor adds a "canonical" meta tag:
namespace Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.Pipelines.InjectMetaTags { public class CanonialUrl : IInjectMetaTagsPipelineProcessor { public void Process(InjectMetaTagsPipelineArgs args) { Tracer.Info(string.Concat("Adding Canonical URL")); args.MetaTags.Add(new MetaTagItem(MetaTagType.name, "canonical", Settings.GetAuthorativeUrl())); } } }
Architecting the Steps in a Pipeline
What pipeline steps you create, and what they do, is up to you. Remember that pipelines typically define a process in your solution. Sitecore has pipelines that define the processes for things like insertRenderings and publishItem. These steps in these pipelines do thing like detecting if the process is appropriate for the current item or context, building up or transforming data, moving data from one place to another, generating markup, cleaning up, logging messages and saving performance data.
When I'm building a process to be handled by a pipeline, I tend to think about Stephen Covey's advice about analysis and synthesis. To analyze means to break apart, to synthesize means to put together. A pipeline process often begins by analyzing (checking and transforming the input data, context and environment), and then ends with synthesizing the desired output.
What steps your pipeline should take depends on the nature of the task at hand. It is common to have the initial steps determine if the process should execute depending on the context or availability of data or objects, and to instantiate objects and data that will be needed by subsequent steps. The next steps actually perform the process in discreet steps, and the last steps clean up or do some logging.
Try to break the pipeline into very discreet steps. If you find that one of your steps is becoming "spaghetti," break it into multiple steps. Take logic that makes decisions and move them to separate steps. If there is data to be gathered that is used by subsequent steps, put the data gatherers into separate steps. This allows future developers to modify or extend the data-gathering, decision-making and output-producing steps, or to insert their own steps in between.
The pipeline in the example solution starts by checking if meta tags can be injected into the page (by validating the existence of a context item and a head section in the page). It then has a step for every group of tags that might be injected (depending on the nature of the tags), adding them to a collection stored in the PipelineArgs. Finally, it flushes the tags to the page.
By separating the sets of tags to be included, the application administrator can decide to exclude steps, say for example, the canonical URL tag, by removing them from the config. A developer can add logic to include a different set of tags by adding a step to this pipeline, which might call a class in an entirely separate assembly.
The Config File
The pipeline steps are defined in .config. This might be directly in web.config, or in an external config file. I'd recommend an external config file ... see this blog post.
Each step in the pipeline is defined with a processor node, which simply declares the type signature for that step of the pipeline.
A pipeline processor node can also have child nodes. The tag name in these nodes must map to property names on the class for that processor. Sitecore will inject the value (the text) of each node into the corresponding property in the class. This allows you to create more "general purpose" processor steps and hand properties to them at runtime.
<MetaTags.InjectMetaTags> <processor type="Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.Pipelines.InjectMetaTags.CheckContextItem, Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags" /> <processor type="Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.Pipelines.InjectMetaTags.CheckHeader, Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags" /> <processor type="Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.Pipelines.InjectMetaTags.CanonialUrl, Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags" /> <processor type="Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.Pipelines.InjectMetaTags.MethodTag, Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags"> <TypeSignature>Sitecore.Context, Sitecore.Kernel</TypeSignature> <MethodName>GetSiteName</MethodName> <TagName>sc_site</TagName> <TagType>name</TagType> </processor> <processor type="Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.Pipelines.InjectMetaTags.GlobalTags, Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags" /> <processor type="Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.Pipelines.InjectMetaTags.FlushMetaTags, Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags" />
Invoking the Pipeline
It's really very simple to invoke a pipeline. You simply call Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run("MyPipelineName", args), where MyPipelineName is the name of the pipeline in the config file, and args is an instance of PipelineArgs (or a custom class derived from it).
InjectMetaTagsPipelineArgs args = new InjectMetaTagsPipelineArgs(); Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(Settings.PIPELINE_NAME, args);
Where to invoke the pipeline depends on what the pipeline does. Sometimes it needs to be invoked from a timed task, sometimes from another pipeline, sometimes from other places. If I have a situation where I need to extend an existing Sitecore pipeline with a complex task, I'll create my own pipeline and invoke it from Sitecore's pipeline. That makes maintenance much easier, because I can define it all in another config file and don't need to patch Sitecore's pipeline more than once.
First, we wire up the the appropriate existing pipeline:
First, we wire up the the appropriate existing pipeline:
<pipelines> <insertRenderings> <processor type="Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.Pipelines.InsertRenderings.InjectMetaTags, Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags"
patch:after="processor[@type='Sitecore.Pipelines.InsertRenderings.Processors.AddRenderings, Sitecore.Kernel']" /> </insertRenderings>
The method we're wiring exists only to fire our custom pipeline:
public void Process(InsertRenderingsArgs args) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args"); // Don't wire this up when in the sitecore shell if (Sitecore.Context.Site.Name.Equals("shell", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Tracer.Warning("Meta tags not emitted in the shell site."); return; } // We'll wire up a handler for after prerender is complete, so any meta tags added // by controls (via Arke.SharedSource.MetaTags.PageTags) will be available. Sitecore.Context.Page.Page.PreRenderComplete += new EventHandler(RunPipeline); }void RunPipeline(object sender, EventArgs e) { Profiler.StartOperation("Adding Global MetaTags."); try { InjectMetaTagsPipelineArgs args = new InjectMetaTagsPipelineArgs(); Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(Settings.PIPELINE_NAME, args); } catch (Exception ex) { Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error("InjectMetaTags failed", ex, "InjectMetaTags"); } Profiler.EndOperation(); }
Our pipeline in turn declares the steps that would otherwise have to be patched into Sitecore's pipeline, as shown in the config example shown before.
Next time you're building a process for your solution, consider using Sitecore's built-in tools for pipeline management. It may take a little more time now, but it'll make life easier later, when new requirements come down the pipe.
- John West: All About Pipelines in the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS
- Andy Uzick (Arke Systems): MetaTag Manager Module available from the Sitecore Marketplace
Love this article , great explanation.